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Our Mission   

Ready & Resilient

The ability to bounce back, tools to help individuals bounce back from set backs. 

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Our team is comprised of researchers, practitioners and cultural experts in study of Bouncebackability. We strive to bring the traditional and modern research and practical methods to leaders, managers, followers, coaches, , athletes, students, youth and all community members interested in developing a greater awareness of their own well-being and health. We understand that life has it’s ups and downs that we can not always control, but how we relate and recover from these events is in our control.  Our goal is to help people bounce back from setbacks quickly with tools backed by academic research and cultural practices.


We have research programs, workshops and weekly guided sessions as offerings to ensure everyone can be a part of our transformative learning environment.


For more information, please contact us below.

Visit us for a Resiliency "Sandbox" session. 

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